Wednesday, March 19, 2014

All about Babies...

We received a visit from the mid-wife last week at La Puerta Abierta.

Teacher Ana is 36 weeks pregnant and our students have been excited to learn about her baby bundle within.

 Kara, a visiting nurse, mid-wife and friend showed us how a baby develops inside the womb using seeds and fruits to represent the size of the fetus during different stages of development.

 And then we learned how to care for new born babies.

Friday, February 28, 2014

What's in a Doctor's Bag?

Dr. Judy and Dr. Diana visited us this month with a giant black doctor's bag stuffed with the useful props of their profession.  We were excited to learn about their work and to explore the tools that they use every day to provide good health to their patients.  We learned new words like steth-o-scope and listened to the beating hearts of our friends.

Thank you Judy and Diana for such a warm and heartfelt visit!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Pizza Time!

Thank you Chef Molly and Chef Brian for teaching us all about pizza and sharing your recipes with us today.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

For the Love of Learning

We're celebrating of first month back at school at La Puerta Abierta where we have been cooking up innovative educational activities created to invoke a love for learning in our young students.

We cultivate a love for learning at our center by having loads of fun every day in a safe, nurturing and exploratory environment.

We've been  making music with our new music teacher Gaspar.

We've been exploring our new play garden built with the help of Natik  and Ulew Atitlan volunteers.  

We've been expressing ourselves artistically 

and theatrically.

We've been reading.

We've been forming friendships

and celebrating our silly selves!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Saturday, June 15, 2013


I adore the ladybug collection that our kindergarteners have been creating.  We'll be celebrating Father's Day on Monday and all of our exceptional fathers will receive a hand painted critter, made with love by their child to take home with them. 


Monday, May 20, 2013

Sunshine, Rain and Seeds

The rains have started in Guatemala and we've been working on turning our old sand box into a plant box.  Happy growing little seeds!